Documentation for this module may be created at မဝ်ဂျူ:Kali-translit/doc

local export = {}
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local u = mw.ustring.char

local tt1 = {
	-- consonants
	['ꤊ'] = 'k', ['ꤋ'] = 'hk', ['ꤌ'] = 'g', ['ꤍ'] = 'ng',
	['ꤎ'] = 's', ['ꤏ'] = 'hs', ['ꤐ'] = 'z', ['ꤑ'] = 'ny',
	['ꤒ'] = 't', ['ꤓ'] = 'ht', ['ꤔ'] = 'n',
	['ꤕ'] = 'p', ['ꤖ'] = 'hp', ['ꤗ'] = 'm',
	['ꤘ'] = 'd', ['ꤙ'] = 'b',
	['ꤚ'] = 'r', ['ꤛ'] = 'y', ['ꤜ'] = 'l', ['ꤝ'] = 'w',
	['ꤞ'] = 'th', ['ꤟ'] = 'h', ['ꤠ'] = 'v', ['ꤡ'] = 'c',
	-- vowels
	['ꤢ'] = 'a', ['ꤣ'] = 'oe', ['ꤤ'] = 'i', ['ꤥ'] = 'o',
	-- tones
	['꤫'] = u(0x0301), ['꤬'] = u(0x0300), ['꤭'] = u(0x0304),
	-- marks
	['꤮'] = '-', ['꤯'] = '.',
	-- numerals
	['꤀'] = '0', ['꤁'] = '1', ['꤂'] = '2', ['꤃'] = '3', ['꤄'] = '4',
	['꤅'] = '5', ['꤆'] = '6', ['꤇'] = '7', ['꤈'] = '8', ['꤉'] = '9',
	-- zero-width space (display it if it hides in a word)
	[u(0x200B)] = '‼',

local tt2 = {
	-- vowels
	['ꤢꤦ'] = 'ue', ['ꤢꤧ'] = 'ae', ['ꤢꤨ'] = 'u',
	['ꤢꤩ'] = 'e', ['ꤢꤪ'] = 'oa',
	['ꤣꤦ'] = 'oeue', ['ꤣꤧ'] = 'ueae', ['ꤣꤨ'] = 'oeu',
	['ꤣꤩ'] = 'oee', ['ꤣꤪ'] = 'oeoa',

function, lang, sc, debug_mode)

	if type(text) == 'table' then -- called directly from a template
		text = text.args[1]

	text = gsub(text, '([ꤢ-ꤥ][ꤦ-꤭]*)([ꤢ-ꤥ])', '%1’%2') -- add apostrophe between adjacent two vowels
	text = gsub(text, '([ꤊ-ꤡ])ꤟ([ꤢ-ꤥ][ꤦ-ꤪ]?)', '%1%2̤') -- change h between initial and vowel into subcolon

	text = gsub(text, 'ꤟꤌꤣ', 'u'..u(0x0324)..'eoe') -- use u() to break Unicode normalization
	text = gsub(text, 'ꤛꤣ', 'ueoe')
	text = gsub(text, '[ꤢꤣ][ꤦ-ꤪ]', tt2)
	text = gsub(text, '.', tt1)

	text = gsub(text, '([aeiou])([aeiou]*)̤', '%1̤%2') -- move subcolon to first aeiou
	text = gsub(text, '([aeiou]̤?)([aeiou]*)(['..u(0x0301)..u(0x0300)..u(0x0304)..'])', '%1%3%2') -- add tone mark on first aeiou

	return text
return export