Documentation for this module may be created at မဝ်ဂျူ:etymology/multi/doc
local export = {}
local m_etymology = require("Module:etymology")
-- For testing
local force_cat = false
function export.format_sources(data)
local lang, sc, sources, terminfo, sort_key, categories, nocat, conj =
data.lang, data.sc, data.sources, data.terminfo, data.sort_key, data.categories, data.nocat, data.conj
local m_utilities
if lang and not nocat then
m_utilities = require("Module:utilities")
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local source_segs = {}
final_link_page = terminfo.term and terminfo.term ~= "-" and m_links.get_link_page(terminfo.term, sources[#sources], sc) or nil
for i, source in ipairs(sources) do
local seg
local display_term
if i < #sources and terminfo.term and terminfo.term ~= "-" then
local link_page = m_links.get_link_page(terminfo.term, source, sc)
local exists = link_page and mw.title.new(link_page).exists
local different = link_page ~= final_link_page
display_term = exists or different
if display_term then
local display, this_cats = m_etymology.insert_source_cat_get_display {
categories = categories,
lang = lang,
source = source,
raw = true,
nocat = nocat,
seg = m_links.language_link {
lang = source, term = terminfo.term, alt = display, tr = "-"
if lang and not nocat then
-- Format categories, but only if there is a current language; {{cog}} currently gets no categories
this_cats = m_utilities.format_categories(this_cats, lang, sort_key, nil, force_cat)
this_cats = ""
seg = "<span class=\"etyl\">" .. seg .. this_cats .. "</span>"
seg = m_etymology.format_source {
lang = lang,
source = source,
sort_key = sort_key,
categories = categories,
nocat = nocat,
table.insert(source_segs, seg)
return require("Module:table").serialCommaJoin(source_segs, conj and {conj = conj})
-- Internal implementation of {{cognate|...}} template with multiple source languages
function export.format_multi_cognate(data)
local sc = require("Module:scripts").findBestScriptWithoutLang(data.terminfo.term)
return export.format_multi_derived {
sc = sc,
sources = data.sources,
terminfo = data.terminfo,
sort_key = data.sort_key,
conj = data.conj,
template_name = "cognate",
-- Internal implementation of {{derived|...}} template with multiple source languages
function export.format_multi_derived(data)
return export.format_sources(data) .. m_etymology.process_and_create_link(data.terminfo, data.template_name)
function export.format_multi_borrowed(data)
local lang, sc, sources, terminfo, sort_key, nocat, conj =
data.lang, data.sc, data.sources, data.terminfo, data.sort_key, data.nocat, data.conj
local categories = {}
if not nocat then
for _, source in ipairs(sources) do
m_etymology.insert_borrowed_cat(categories, lang, source)
return export.format_sources {
lang = lang,
sc = sc,
sources = sources,
terminfo = terminfo,
sort_key = sort_key,
categories = categories,
nocat = nocat,
conj = conj
} .. m_etymology.process_and_create_link(terminfo, "borrowed")
return export