Documentation for this module may be created at မဝ်ဂျူ:la-noun/data/doc
local decl = {}
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("la")
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local m_utilities = require("Module:utilities")
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
return retval
local function glossary_link(anchor, text)
text = text or anchor
return "[[:en:Appendix:Glossary#" .. anchor .. "|" .. text .. "]]"
local current_title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText
local NAMESPACE = current_title.nsText
local PAGENAME = current_title.text
decl["1"] = function(data, args)
local stem = args[1]
-- normal 1st
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem .. "am"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem .. "ā"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem .. "a"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = stem .. "ārum"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem .. "ās"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = stem .. "īs"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem .. "ae"
-- abus
if data.types.abus then
table.insert(data.subtitles, {"dative/ablative plural in ", "''-ābus''"})
data.forms["dat_pl"] = stem .. "ābus"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = stem .. "ābus"
elseif data.types.not_abus then
table.insert(data.subtitles, {"dative/ablative plural in ", "''-īs''"})
-- am
if data.types.am then
table.insert(data.subtitles, {"nominative/vocative singular in ", "''-ām''"})
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem .. "ām"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem .. "ām"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem .. "ām"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {stem .. "ām", stem .. "ā"}
-- all Greek
elseif data.types.Greek then
--Greek Ma
if data.types.Ma then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "masculine Greek-type with nominative singular in ''-ās''")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem .. "ās"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem .. "ān"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem .. "ā"
-- Greek Me
elseif data.types.Me then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "masculine Greek-type with nominative singular in ''-ēs''")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem .. "ēs"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem .. "ēn"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem .. "ē"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem .. "ē"
-- Greek
table.insert(data.subtitles, "Greek-type")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem .. "ē"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = stem .. "ēs"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem .. "ēn"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem .. "ē"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem .. "ē"
elseif data.types.not_Greek then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "non-Greek-type")
elseif data.types.not_am then
table.insert(data.subtitles, {"nominative/vocative singular in ", "''-a''"})
-- with locative
if data.loc then
data.forms["loc_sg"] = stem .. "ae"
data.forms["loc_pl"] = stem .. "īs"
decl["2"] = function(data, args)
local stem1 = args[1]
local stem2 = args[2]
-- normal 2nd
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "us"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = stem1 .. "ī"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem1 .. "ō"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem1 .. "um"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem1 .. "ō"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1 .. "e"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem1 .. "ī"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = stem1 .. "ōrum"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = stem1 .. "īs"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem1 .. "ōs"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = stem1 .. "īs"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem1 .. "ī"
-- all neuter
if data.types.N then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "neuter")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "um"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1 .. "um"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem1 .. "a"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem1 .. "a"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem1 .. "a"
-- neuter ium
if data.types.ium then
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "ium"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = {stem1 .. "iī", stem1 .. "ī"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem1 .. "iō"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem1 .. "ium"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem1 .. "iō"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1 .. "ium"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem1 .. "ia"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = stem1 .. "iōrum"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = stem1 .. "iīs"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem1 .. "ia"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = stem1 .. "iīs"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem1 .. "ia"
data.notes["gen_sg2"] = "Found in older Latin (until the Augustan Age)."
-- neuter us, plural a
elseif data.types.a then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "nominative/accusative/vocative plural in ''-a''")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "us"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem1 .. "us"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1 .. "us"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem1 .. "a"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem1 .. "a"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem1 .. "a"
-- -vom (aevom, etc.)
elseif data.types.vom then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "nominative singular in ''-om'' after ''v''")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "om"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem1 .. "om"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1 .. "om"
-- neuter Greek in -os (cētos)
elseif data.types.Greek and data.types.us then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "Greek-type")
table.insert(data.subtitles, "nominative/accusative/vocative in ''-os''")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "os"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem1 .. "os"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1 .. "os"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem1 .. "ē"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = stem1 .. "ōn"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem1 .. "ē"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem1 .. "ē"
-- neuter Greek
elseif data.types.Greek then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "Greek-type")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "on"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem1 .. "on"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1 .. "on"
-- neuter us
elseif data.types.us then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "nominative/accusative/vocative in ''-us''")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "us"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem1 .. "us"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1 .. "us"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem1 .. "ī"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem1 .. "ōs"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem1 .. "ī"
elseif data.types.not_Greek or data.types.not_us then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "nominative/accusative/vocative in ''-um''")
-- er
elseif data.types.er then
if mw.ustring.match(stem1, "[aiouy]r$") then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "nominative singular in ''-r''")
table.insert(data.subtitles, "nominative singular in ''-er''")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1
data.forms["gen_sg"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem2 .. "ō"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem2 .. "um"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem2 .. "ō"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = stem2 .. "ōrum"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = stem2 .. "īs"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem2 .. "ōs"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = stem2 .. "īs"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem2 .. "ī"
-- ius
elseif data.types.ius then
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "ius"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = {stem1 .. "iī", stem1 .. "ī"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem1 .. "iō"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem1 .. "ium"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem1 .. "iō"
if data.types.voci then
-- Only for proper names and fīlius, genius
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1 .. "ī"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1 .. "ie"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem1 .. "iī"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = stem1 .. "iōrum"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = stem1 .. "iīs"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem1 .. "iōs"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = stem1 .. "iīs"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem1 .. "iī"
data.notes["gen_sg2"] = "Found in older Latin (until the Augustan Age)."
-- -vos (servos, etc.)
elseif data.types.vos then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "nominative singular in ''-os'' after ''v''")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "os"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem1 .. "om"
-- Greek
elseif data.types.Greek then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "Greek-type")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "os"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {stem1 .. "on"}
elseif data.types.not_Greek then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "non-Greek-type")
-- with -um genitive plural
if data.types.genplum then
table.insert(data.subtitles, {"contracted", " genitive plural"})
data.notes["gen_pl2"] = "Contraction found in poetry."
if data.types.ius or data.types.ium then
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {stem2 .. "iōrum", stem2 .. "ium"}
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {stem2 .. "ōrum", stem2 .. "um"}
elseif data.types.not_genplum then
table.insert(data.subtitles, {"normal", " genitive plural"})
-- with locative
if data.loc then
if data.types.ius or data.types.ium then
data.forms["loc_sg"] = stem2 .. "iī"
data.forms["loc_pl"] = stem2 .. "iīs"
data.forms["loc_sg"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["loc_pl"] = stem2 .. "īs"
local acc_sg_i_stem_subtypes = {
acc_im = {
-- amussis, basis, buris, cucumis, gummis, mephitis, paraphrasis, poesis, ravis, sitis, tussis, (vis) [abl -ī];
-- cannabis, senapis, sinapis [abl -e, -ī]
acc_sg = {"im"},
title = {"accusative singular in ''-im''"},
acc_im_in = {
-- cities, rivers, gods, e.g. Bilbilis, Syrtis, Tiberis, Anubis, Osiris [abl -ī];
-- Baetis, Tigris [acc -e, -ī]
acc_sg = {"im", "in"},
title = {"accusative singular in ''-im'' or ''-in''"},
acc_im_in_em = {
-- e.g. tigris, river Līris
acc_sg = {"im", "in", "em"},
title = {"accusative singular in ''-im'', ''-in'' or ''-em''"},
acc_im_em = {
acc_sg = {"im", "em"},
title = {"accusative singular in ''-im'' or ''-em''"},
acc_im_occ_em = {
-- febris, pelvis, puppis, restis, securis, turris [abl -ī, -e]
acc_sg = {"im", "em"},
title = {"accusative singular in ''-im'' or occasionally ''-em''"},
acc_em_im = {
-- aqualis, clavis, lens, navis [abl -e, -ī];
-- cutis, restis [abl -e]
acc_sg = {"em", "im"},
title = {"accusative singular in ''-em'' or ''-im''"},
local abl_sg_i_stem_subtypes = {
abl_i = {
-- amussis, basis, buris, cucumis, gummis, mephitis, paraphrasis, poesis, ravis, sitis, tussis, (vis) [acc -im];
-- cities, rivers, gods, e.g. Bilbilis, Syrtis, Tiberis, Anubis, Osiris [acc -im or -in];
-- canalis "water pipe", months in -is or -er, nouns originally i-stem adjectives such as aedilis, affinis, bipennis, familiaris, sodalis, volucris, etc. [acc -em]
abl_sg = {"ī"},
title = {"ablative singular in ''-ī''"},
abl_i_e = {
-- febris, pelvis, puppis, restis, securis, turris [acc -im, -em]
abl_sg = {"ī", "e"},
title = {"ablative singular in ''-ī'' or ''-e''"},
abl_e_i = {
-- cannabis, senapis, sinapis [acc -im];
-- Baetis, Tigris [acc -im, -in];
-- aqualis, clavis, lens, navis [acc -em, -im];
-- finis, mugilis, occiput, pugil, rus, supellex, vectis [acc -em]
abl_sg = {"e", "ī"},
title = {"ablative singular in ''-e'' or ''-ī''"},
abl_e_occ_i = {
-- amnis, anguis, avis, civis, classis, fustis, ignis, imber, orbis, pars, postis, sors, unguis, vesper [acc -em]
abl_sg = {"e", "ī"},
title = {"ablative singular in ''-e'' or occasionally ''-ī''"},
local function extract_stem(form, ending)
local base = rmatch(form, "^(.*)" .. ending .. "$")
if not base then
error("Form " .. form .. " should end in -" .. ending)
return base
decl["3"] = function(data, args)
local stem1 = args[1]
local stem2 = args[2]
local function parisyllabic_type()
local stem1_vowels = rsub(
"[^AEIOUYaeiouy]", ""
local stem2_vowels = rsub(
"[^AEIOUYaeiouy]", ""
return #stem1_vowels > #stem2_vowels and "parisyllabic" or "imparisyllabic"
local function non_i_stem_type()
return parisyllabic_type() .. " non-i-stem"
--normal 3rd
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1
data.forms["gen_sg"] = stem2 .. "is"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem2 .. "em"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem2 .. "e"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = stem2 .. "um"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = stem2 .. "ibus"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
local acc_sg_i_stem_subtype = false
local not_acc_sg_i_stem_subtype = false
for subtype, _ in pairs(data.types) do
if acc_sg_i_stem_subtypes[subtype] then
acc_sg_i_stem_subtype = true
for acc_sg_subtype, _ in pairs(acc_sg_i_stem_subtypes) do
if data.types["not_" .. acc_sg_subtype] then
not_acc_sg_i_stem_subtype = true
local abl_sg_i_stem_subtype = false
local not_abl_sg_i_stem_subtype = false
for subtype, _ in pairs(data.types) do
if abl_sg_i_stem_subtypes[subtype] then
abl_sg_i_stem_subtype = true
for abl_sg_subtype, _ in pairs(abl_sg_i_stem_subtypes) do
if data.types["not_" .. abl_sg_subtype] then
not_abl_sg_i_stem_subtype = true
-- all Greek
if data.types.Greek then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "Greek-type")
-- Greek er
if data.types.er then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "variant with nominative singular in ''-ēr''")
stem1 = extract_stem(stem1, "ēr")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "ēr"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = stem1 .. "eris"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem1 .. "erī"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {stem1 .. "era", stem1 .. "erem"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem1 .. "ere"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1 .. "ēr"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem1 .. "erēs"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = stem1 .. "erum"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = stem1 .. "eribus"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem1 .. "erēs"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = stem1 .. "eribus"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem1 .. "erēs"
-- Greek on
elseif data.types.on then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "variant with nominative singular in ''-ōn''")
stem1 = extract_stem(stem1, "ōn")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "ōn"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = {stem1 .. "ontis", stem1 .. "ontos"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem1 .. "ontī"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem1 .. "onta"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem1 .. "onte"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem1 .. "ōn"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem1 .. "ontēs"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {stem1 .. "ontum", stem1 .. "ontium"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = stem1 .. "ontibus"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {stem1 .. "ontēs", stem1 .. "ontās"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = stem1 .. "ontibus"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem1 .. "ontēs"
-- Greek i-stem
elseif data.types.I then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "i-stem")
data.forms["gen_sg"] = {stem2 .. "is", stem2 .. "eōs", stem2 .. "ios"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {stem2 .. "im", stem2 .. "in", stem2 .. "em"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {stem2 .. "ī", stem2 .. "e"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {stem2 .. "is", stem2 .. "i"}
data.notes["acc_sg3"] = "Found sometimes in Medieval and New Latin."
data.notes["abl_sg2"] = "Found sometimes in Medieval and New Latin."
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {stem2 .. "ēs", stem2 .. "eis"}
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {stem2 .. "ium", stem2 .. "eōn"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {stem2 .. "ēs", stem2 .. "eis"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {stem2 .. "ēs", stem2 .. "eis"}
if data.types.poetic_esi then
data.forms["dat_pl"] = {stem2 .. "ibus", stem2 .. "esi"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {stem2 .. "ibus", stem2 .. "esi"}
data.notes["dat_pl2"] = "Primarily in poetry."
data.notes["abl_pl2"] = "Primarily in poetry."
-- normal Greek
table.insert(data.subtitles, "normal variant")
data.forms["gen_sg"] = stem2 .. "os"
if stem2:find("y$") then
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem2 .. "n"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem2 .. "a"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem2 .. "es"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem2 .. "as"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem2 .. "es"
if rfind(stem1, "[iyï]s$") then
-- Per Hiley, words in -is and -ys have a poetic vocative
-- without the -s, but otherwise the vocative is the same
-- as the nominative.
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {stem1, rsub(stem1, "s", "")}
data.notes["voc_sg2"] = "In poetry."
elseif data.types.not_Greek then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "non-Greek-type")
-- polis
if data.types.polis then
stem1 = extract_stem(stem1, "polis")
table.insert(data.subtitles, "i-stem, partially Greek-type")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem1 .. "polis"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = stem1 .. "polis"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem1 .. "polī"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {stem1 .. "polim", stem1 .. "polin"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem1 .. "polī"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = {stem1 .. "polis", stem1 .. "polī"}
elseif data.types.not_polis then
table.insert(data.subtitles, non_i_stem_type())
-- all neuter
if data.types.N then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "neuter")
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem1
-- neuter I stem
if data.types.I then
-- pure variety
if data.types.pure then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "“pure” i-stem")
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem2 .. "ī"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem2 .. "ia"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = stem2 .. "ium"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem2 .. "ia"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem2 .. "ia"
-- non-pure variety (rare)
table.insert(data.subtitles, "i-stem")
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem2 .. "a"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {stem2 .. "ium", stem2 .. "um"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem2 .. "a"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem2 .. "a"
-- normal neuter
table.insert(data.subtitles, non_i_stem_type())
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem2 .. "a"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem2 .. "a"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem2 .. "a"
-- I stem
elseif data.types.I or acc_sg_i_stem_subtype or abl_sg_i_stem_subtype then
if data.types.not_N then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "non-neuter i-stem")
table.insert(data.subtitles, "i-stem")
data.forms["gen_pl"] = stem2 .. "ium"
-- Per Allen and Greenough, Hiley and others, the acc_pl in -īs
-- applied originally to all i-stem nouns, and was current as an
-- alternative form up through Caesar.
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {stem2 .. "ēs", stem2 .. "īs"}
for subtype, _ in pairs(data.types) do
local acc_sg_i_stem_props = acc_sg_i_stem_subtypes[subtype]
if acc_sg_i_stem_props then
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {}
for _, ending in ipairs(acc_sg_i_stem_props.acc_sg) do
table.insert(data.forms["acc_sg"], stem2 .. ending)
if data.num ~= "pl" then
for _, t in ipairs(acc_sg_i_stem_props.title) do
table.insert(data.subtitles, t)
for subtype, _ in pairs(data.types) do
local abl_sg_i_stem_props = abl_sg_i_stem_subtypes[subtype]
if abl_sg_i_stem_props then
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {}
for _, ending in ipairs(abl_sg_i_stem_props.abl_sg) do
table.insert(data.forms["abl_sg"], stem2 .. ending)
if data.num ~= "pl" then
for _, t in ipairs(abl_sg_i_stem_props.title) do
table.insert(data.subtitles, t)
elseif data.types.not_N and data.types.not_I then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "non-neuter " .. non_i_stem_type())
elseif data.types.not_N then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "non-neuter")
elseif data.types.not_I then
table.insert(data.subtitles, non_i_stem_type())
-- with locative
if data.loc then
-- As far as I can tell, in general both dative singular and
-- ablative singular could be used for the third-declension locative,
-- with different time periods preferring different forms.
-- http://dcc.dickinson.edu/grammar/latin/3rd-declension-locative-case
-- mentions rūrī along with either Carthāginī or Carthāgine.
-- Wikipedia in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locative_case#Latin
-- says this:
-- In archaic times, the locative singular of third declension nouns
-- was still interchangeable between ablative and dative forms, but in
-- the Augustan Period the use of the ablative form became fixed.
-- Therefore, both forms "rūrī" and "rūre" may be encountered.
-- Lewis and Short confirm this.
local loc_sg = data.forms["dat_sg"]
if type(loc_sg) ~= "table" then
loc_sg = {loc_sg}
loc_sg = require("Module:utils").clone(loc_sg)
local abl_sg = data.forms["abl_sg"]
if type(abl_sg) ~= "table" then
abl_sg = {abl_sg}
for _, form in ipairs(abl_sg) do
require("Module:utils").insert_if_not(loc_sg, form)
data.forms["loc_sg"] = loc_sg
data.forms["loc_pl"] = data.forms["abl_pl"]
--The following is what we used to have, but I simply cannot believe it.
--if data.types.Greek and not data.types.s then
-- data.forms["loc_pl"] = stem2 .. "ēs"
decl["4"] = function(data, args)
local stem = args[1]
-- normal 4th
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem .. "us"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = stem .. "ūs"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem .. "uī"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem .. "um"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem .. "ū"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem .. "us"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem .. "ūs"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = stem .. "uum"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = stem .. "ibus"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem .. "ūs"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = stem .. "ibus"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem .. "ūs"
if data.types.echo then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "nominative/vocative singular in ''-ō''")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem .. "ō"
elseif data.types.argo then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "nominative/accusative/vocative singular in ''-ō'', ablative singular in ''-uī''")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem .. "uī"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem .. "ō"
elseif data.types.Callisto then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "all cases except the genitive singular in ''-ō''")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem .. "ō"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem .. "ō"
-- neuter
if data.types.N then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "neuter")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem .. "ū"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem .. "ū"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem .. "ū"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem .. "ū"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem .. "ua"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem .. "ua"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem .. "ua"
-- ubus
if data.types.ubus then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "dative/ablative plural in ''-ubus''")
data.forms["dat_pl"] = stem .. "ubus"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = stem .. "ubus"
elseif data.types.not_ubus then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "''-ibus''")
-- with locative
if data.loc then
data.forms["loc_sg"] = data.forms["abl_sg"]
data.forms["loc_pl"] = data.forms["abl_pl"]
decl["5"] = function(data, args)
local stem = args[1]
-- ies
if data.types.i then
stem = stem .. "i"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem .. "ēs"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = stem .. "eī"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem .. "eī"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem .. "em"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem .. "ē"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem .. "ēs"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem .. "ēs"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = stem .. "ērum"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = stem .. "ēbus"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem .. "ēs"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = stem .. "ēbus"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem .. "ēs"
-- ies
if data.types.i then
data.forms["gen_sg"] = stem .. "ēī"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem .. "ēī"
--with locative
if data.loc then
data.forms["loc_sg"] = stem .. "ē"
data.forms["loc_pl"] = stem .. "ēbus"
decl["0"] = function(data, args)
local stem = args[1]
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem
data.forms["gen_sg"] = stem
data.forms["dat_sg"] = stem
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem
data.forms["abl_sg"] = stem
data.forms["voc_sg"] = stem
data.forms["nom_pl"] = stem
data.forms["gen_pl"] = stem
data.forms["dat_pl"] = stem
data.forms["acc_pl"] = stem
data.forms["abl_pl"] = stem
data.forms["voc_pl"] = stem
-- with locative
if data.loc then
data.forms["loc_sg"] = stem
data.forms["loc_pl"] = stem
decl["indecl"] = function(data, args)
local title = {}
data.title = "Not declined; used only in the nominative and accusative singular."
local stem = args[1]
data.forms["nom_sg"] = "-"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = "-"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = "-"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = "-"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = "-"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = "-"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = "-"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = "-"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = "-"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = "-"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = "-"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = "-"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem
data.forms["acc_sg"] = stem
data.num = "sg"
decl["irreg"] = function(data, args)
local stem = args[1]
data.forms["nom_sg"] = "-"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = "-"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = "-"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = "-"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = "-"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = "-"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = "-"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = "-"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = "-"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = "-"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = "-"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = "-"
if stem == "bōs" then
data.forms["nom_sg"] = "bōs"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = "bovis"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = "bovī"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = "bovem"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = "bove"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = "bōs"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = "bovēs"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = "boum"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = {"bōbus", "būbus"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = "bovēs"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {"bōbus", "būbus"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = "bovēs"
elseif stem == "cherub" then
data.title = "mostly " .. glossary_link("indeclinable")
table.insert(data.subtitles, "with a distinct plural")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = "cherub"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = "cherub"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = "cherub"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = "cherub"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = "cherub"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = "cherub"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {"cherubim", "cherubin"}
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {"cherubim", "cherubin"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = {"cherubim", "cherubin"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {"cherubim", "cherubin"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {"cherubim", "cherubin"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {"cherubim", "cherubin"}
elseif stem == "deus" then
data.forms["nom_sg"] = "deus"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = "deī"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = "deō"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = "deum"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = "deō"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = "deus"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {"dī", "diī", "deī"}
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {"deōrum", "deûm", "divom"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = {"dīs", "diīs", "deīs"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = "deōs"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {"dīs", "diīs", "deīs"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {"dī", "diī", "deī"}
elseif stem == "Deus" then
data.forms["nom_sg"] = "Deus"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = "Deī"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = "Deō"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = "Deum"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = "Deō"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = "Deus"
data.num = "sg"
elseif stem == "domus" then
data.title = "နာမ်[[:en:Appendix:Latin second declension|လဟုတ်စှ်ေအလောန်ဒုတိယ]]/[[:en:Appendix:Latin fourth declension|စတုတ္ထ]]"
data.forms["nom_sg"] = "domus"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = {"domūs", "domī"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {"domuī", "domō", "domū"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = "domum"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {"domū", "domō"}
data.forms["voc_sg"] = "domus"
data.forms["loc_sg"] = "domī"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = "domūs"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = {"domuum", "domōrum"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = "domibus"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {"domūs", "domōs"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = "domibus"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = "domūs"
data.forms["loc_pl"] = "domibus"
data.loc = true
elseif stem == "Iēsus" or stem == "Jēsus" or stem == "Iēsūs" or stem == "Jēsūs" then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "highly " .. glossary_link("irregular"))
ij = mw.ustring.sub(stem, 1, 1)
data.forms["nom_sg"] = stem
data.forms["gen_sg"] = ij .. "ēsū"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = ij .. "ēsū"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = ij .. "ēsum"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = ij .. "ēsū"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = ij .. "ēsū"
data.num = "sg"
elseif stem == "iūgerum" or stem == "jūgerum" then
ij = stem == "iūgerum" and "i" or "j"
data.title = "[[Appendix:Latin second declension|second]]–[[Appendix:Latin third declension|third-declension]] hybrid noun"
table.insert(data.subtitles, "neuter")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = ij .. "ūgerum"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = ij .. "ūgerī"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = ij .. "ūgerō"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = ij .. "ūgerum"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = ij .. "ūgerō"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = ij .. "ūgerum"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = ij .. "ūgera"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = ij .. "ūgerum"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = ij .. "ūgeribus"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = ij .. "ūgera"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {ij .. "ūgeribus", ij .. "ūgerīs"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = ij .. "ūgera"
data.notes["abl_pl2"] = "Once only, in:<br/>M. Terentius Varro, ''Res Rusticae'', bk I, ch. x"
elseif stem == "sūs" then
data.forms["nom_sg"] = "sūs"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = "suis"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = "suī"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = "suem"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = "sue"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = "sūs"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = "suēs"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = "suum"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = {"suibus", "sūbus", "subus"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = "suēs"
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {"suibus", "sūbus", "subus"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = "suēs"
elseif stem == "ēthos" then
table.insert(data.subtitles, glossary_link("irregular"))
table.insert(data.subtitles, "Greek-type")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = "ēthos"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = "ētheos"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = "ēthos"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = "ēthos"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {"ēthea", "ēthē"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = {"ēthesi", "ēthesin"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {"ēthea", "ēthē"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {"ēthesi", "ēthesin"}
data.forms["voc_pl"] = {"ēthea", "ēthē"}
elseif stem == "lexis" then
table.insert(data.subtitles, glossary_link("irregular"))
table.insert(data.subtitles, "Greek-type")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = "lexis"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = "lexeōs"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = "lexeis"
elseif stem == "Athōs" then
table.insert(data.subtitles, "highly " .. glossary_link("irregular"))
table.insert(data.subtitles, "Greek-type")
data.forms["nom_sg"] = "Athōs"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = "Athō"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = "Athō"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {"Athō", "Athōn"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = "Athō"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = "Athōs"
data.num = "sg"
elseif stem == "vēnum" then
data.title = "[[Appendix:Latin fourth declension|fourth]]/[[Appendix:Latin second declension|second-declension]] noun"
table.insert(data.subtitles, glossary_link("defective"))
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {"vēnuī", "vēnō"}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = "vēnum"
data.num = "sg"
elseif stem == "vīs" then
table.insert(data.subtitles, glossary_link("irregular"))
table.insert(data.subtitles, glossary_link("defective"))
data.forms["nom_sg"] = "vīs"
data.forms["gen_sg"] = "*vīs"
data.forms["dat_sg"] = "*vī"
data.forms["acc_sg"] = "vim"
data.forms["abl_sg"] = "vī"
data.forms["voc_sg"] = "vīs"
data.forms["nom_pl"] = "vīrēs"
data.forms["gen_pl"] = "vīrium"
data.forms["dat_pl"] = "vīribus"
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {"vīrēs", "vīrīs"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = "vīribus"
data.forms["voc_pl"] = "vīrēs"
error("Stem " .. stem .. " not recognized.")
return decl
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