Provides some utility functions for manipulating strings.

Functions ပလေဝ်ဒါန်

export.format ပလေဝ်ဒါန်

function export.format(str, tbl)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.

export.capturing_split ပလေဝ်ဒါန်

function export.capturing_split(str, pattern)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.

export.ucfirst ပလေဝ်ဒါန်

function export.ucfirst(text)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.

export.lcfirst ပလေဝ်ဒါန်

function export.lcfirst(text)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.

export.pluralize ပလေဝ်ဒါန်

function export.pluralize(text)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.

export.singularize ပလေဝ်ဒါန်

function export.singularize(text)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.

export.add_indefinite_article ပလေဝ်ဒါန်

function export.add_indefinite_article(text, uppercase)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.

local module_name = "string_utilities"
local export = {}

local rfind = mw.ustring.find

local format_escapes = {
    ["op"] = "{",
    ["cl"] = "}",

function export.format(str, tbl)
    return (string.gsub(str, "{(\\?)((\\?)[^{}]*)}", function (p1, name, p2)
        if #p1 + #p2 == 1 then
            return format_escapes[name] or error(module_name .. ".format: unrecognized escape sequence '{\\" .. name .. "}'")
        	if tbl[name] and type(tbl[name]) ~= "string" then
        		error(module_name .. ".format: '" .. name .. "' is a " .. type(tbl[name]) .. ", not a string")
            return tbl[name] or error(module_name .. ".format: '" .. name .. "' not found in table")

-- Reimplementation of mw.ustring.split() that includes any capturing
-- groups in the splitting pattern. This works like Python's re.split()
-- function, except that it has Lua's behavior when the split pattern
-- is empty (i.e. advancing by one character at a time; Python returns the
-- whole remainder of the string).
function export.capturing_split(str, pattern)
    local ret = {}
    -- (.-) corresponds to (.*?) in Python or Perl; () captures the
    -- current position after matching.
    pattern = "(.-)" .. pattern .. "()"
    local start = 1
    while true do
        -- Did we reach the end of the string?
        if start > #str then
            table.insert(ret, "")
            return ret
        -- match() returns all captures as multiple return values;
        -- we need to insert into a table to get them all.
        local captures = {mw.ustring.match(str, pattern, start)}
        -- If no match, add the remainder of the string.
        if #captures == 0 then
            table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.sub(str, start))
            return ret
        local newstart = table.remove(captures)
        -- Special case: If we don't advance by any characters, then advance
        -- by one character; this avoids an infinite loop, and makes splitting
        -- by an empty string work the way mw.ustring.split() does. If we
        -- reach the end of the string this way, return immediately, so we
        -- don't get a final empty string.
        if newstart == start then
            table.insert(ret, mw.ustring.sub(str, start, start))
            table.remove(captures, 1)
            start = start + 1
            if start > #str then
            	return ret
            table.insert(ret, table.remove(captures, 1))
            start = newstart
        -- Insert any captures from the splitting pattern.
        for _, x in ipairs(captures) do
            table.insert(ret, x)

local function uclcfirst(text, dolower)
	local function douclcfirst(text)
		-- Actual function to re-case of the first letter.
		local first_letter = mw.ustring.sub(text, 1, 1)
		first_letter = dolower and mw.ustring.lower(first_letter) or mw.ustring.upper(first_letter)
		return first_letter .. mw.ustring.sub(text, 2)
	-- If there's a link at the beginning, re-case the first letter of the
	-- link text. This pattern matches both piped and unpiped links.
	-- If the link is not piped, the second capture (linktext) will be empty.
	local link, linktext, remainder = mw.ustring.match(text, "^%[%[([^|%]]+)%|?(.-)%]%](.*)$")
	if link then
		return "[[" .. link .. "|" .. douclcfirst(linktext ~= "" and linktext or link) .. "]]" .. remainder
	return douclcfirst(text)

function export.ucfirst(text)
	return uclcfirst(text, false)

function export.lcfirst(text)
	return uclcfirst(text, true)

function export.pluralize(text)
	if type(text) == "table" then
		-- allow calling from a template
		text = text.args[1]
	-- Pluralize a word in a smart fashion, according to normal English rules.
	-- 1. If word ends in consonant + -y, replace the -y with -ies.
	-- 2. If the word ends in -s, -x, -z, -sh, -ch, add -es.
	-- 3. Otherwise, add -s.
	-- This handles links correctly:
	-- 1. If a piped link, change the second part appropriately.
	-- 2. If a non-piped link and rule #1 above applies, convert to a piped link
	--    with the second part containing the plural.
	-- 3. If a non-piped link and rules #2 or #3 above apply, add the plural
	--    outside the link.
	local function word_ends_in_consonant_plus_y(text)
		-- FIXME, a subrule of rule #1 above says the -ies ending doesn't
		-- apply to proper nouns, hence "the Gettys", "the public Ivys".
		-- We should maybe consider applying this rule here; but it may not
		-- be important as this function is almost always called on common nouns
		-- (e.g. parts of speech, place types).
		return text:find("[^aeiouAEIOU ]y$")
	local function word_takes_es_plural(text)
		return text:find("[sxz]$") or text:find("[cs]h$")
	local function do_pluralize(text)
		if word_ends_in_consonant_plus_y(text) then
			-- avoid returning multiple values
			local hack_single_retval = text:gsub("y$", "ies")
			return hack_single_retval
		elseif word_takes_es_plural(text) then
			return text .. "es"
			return text .. " "
	-- Check for a link. This pattern matches both piped and unpiped links.
	-- If the link is not piped, the second capture (linktext) will be empty.
	local beginning, link, linktext = mw.ustring.match(text, "^(.*)%[%[([^|%]]+)%|?(.-)%]%]$")
	if link then
		if linktext ~= "" then
			return beginning .. "[[" .. link .. "|" .. do_pluralize(linktext) .. "]]"
		if word_ends_in_consonant_plus_y(link) then
			return beginning .. "[[" .. link .. "|" .. link:gsub("y$", "ies") .. "]]"
		return beginning .. "[[" .. link .. "]]" .. (word_takes_es_plural(link) and "es" or "s")
	return do_pluralize(text)

function export.singularize(text)
	if type(text) == "table" then
		-- allow calling from a template
		text = text.args[1]
	-- Singularize a word in a smart fashion, according to normal English rules.
	-- Works analogously to pluralize().
	-- NOTE: This doesn't always work as well as pluralize(). Beware. It will
	-- mishandle cases like "passes" -> "passe", "eyries" -> "eyry".
	-- 1. If word ends in -ies, replace -ies with -y.
	-- 2. If the word ends in -xes, -shes, -ches, remove -es. [Does not affect
	--    -ses, cf. "houses", "impasses".]
	-- 3. Otherwise, remove -s.
	-- This handles links correctly:
	-- 1. If a piped link, change the second part appropriately. Collapse the
	--    link to a simple link if both parts end up the same.
	-- 2. If a non-piped link, singularize the link.
	-- 3. A link like "[[parish]]es" will be handled correctly because the
	--    code that checks for -shes etc. allows ] characters between the
	--    'sh' etc. and final -es.
	local function do_singularize(text)
		local sing = text:match("^(.-)ies$")
		if sing then
			return sing .. "y"
		-- Handle cases like "[[parish]]es"
		local sing = text:match("^(.-[sc]h%]*)es$")
		if sing then
			return sing
		-- Handle cases like "[[box]]es"
		local sing = text:match("^(.-x%]*)es$")
		if sing then
			return sing
		local sing = text:match("^(.-)s$")
		if sing then
			return sing
		return text

	local function collapse_link(link, linktext)
		if link == linktext then
			return "[[" .. link .. "]]"
			return "[[" .. link .. "|" .. linktext .. "]]"

	-- Check for a link. This pattern matches both piped and unpiped links.
	-- If the link is not piped, the second capture (linktext) will be empty.
	local beginning, link, linktext = mw.ustring.match(text, "^(.*)%[%[([^|%]]+)%|?(.-)%]%]$")
	if link then
		if linktext ~= "" then
			return beginning .. collapse_link(link, do_singularize(linktext))
		return beginning .. "[[" .. do_singularize(link) .. "]]"

	return do_singularize(text)

function export.add_indefinite_article(text, uppercase)
	local is_vowel = false
	-- If there's a link at the beginning, examine the first letter of the
	-- link text. This pattern matches both piped and unpiped links.
	-- If the link is not piped, the second capture (linktext) will be empty.
	local link, linktext, remainder = mw.ustring.match(text, "^%[%[([^|%]]+)%|?(.-)%]%](.*)$")
	if link then
		is_vowel = rfind(linktext ~= "" and linktext or link, "^[AEIOUaeiou]")
		is_vowel = rfind(text, "^[AEIOUaeiou]")
	return (is_vowel and (uppercase and "An " or "an ") or (uppercase and "A " or "a ")) .. text

return export